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BADLANDS - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
BAMBOO - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
BAMBOO_JUNGLE - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
BEACH - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
bedWorks(boolean) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.DimensionTypeBuilder
Determines if you're allowed to use a bed.
Bee() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.core.mixin.SpawnerFix.Bee
behaviors - Variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.StructureGelBlock
List of behaviors that this block will use.
BIOME_DICTIONARY_ENTRIES - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.commands.BiomeDictCommand
BiomeAccessHelper - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel.access_helpers
Contains methods to add various things to biomes.
BiomeAccessHelper() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.access_helpers.BiomeAccessHelper
BiomeDictCommand - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel.commands
BiomeDictCommand() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.commands.BiomeDictCommand
BiomeDictionary - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary
A current replacement for the forge biome dictionary.
BiomeDictionary() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
BiomeDictionaryCompat - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel.structure_gel_compat
Sample class for adding Structure Gel biome dictionary support to your mod.
BiomeDictionaryCompat() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.structure_gel_compat.BiomeDictionaryCompat
biomes(RegistryKey<Biome>...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeType
Adds the biomes to this instance
biomes(Biome...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeType
Adds the biomes to this instance
biomes(ResourceLocation...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeType
Adds the biomes to this instance
biomes(String, String...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeType
Adds the biomes to this instance for the modid provided.
biomes(RegistryKey<Biome>...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.ForgeType
biomes(Biome...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.ForgeType
biomes(ResourceLocation...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.ForgeType
biomes(String, String...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.ForgeType
biomes(boolean, String) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.ConfigTemplates.StructureConfig
BiomeStructureConfig(ForgeConfigSpec.Builder, String, double, int, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.ConfigTemplates.BiomeStructureConfig
BiomeStructureConfig(ForgeConfigSpec.Builder, String, double, int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.ConfigTemplates.BiomeStructureConfig
BiomeType - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary
Stores a collection of biomes that should have similar traits for referencing in worldgen.
BiomeType(ResourceLocation, Set<ResourceLocation>, Set<RegistryKey<Biome>>) - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeType
Ensures none of the values will be set to null just in case.
BIRCH_FOREST - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
BLOCKS - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.StructureGelMod.GelBlocks
BLUE_GEL - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.StructureGelMod.GelBlocks
bottomLeft - Variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.GelPortalSize
build() - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.DimensionTypeBuilder
Creates the DimensionType with the provided settings.
build() - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.jigsaw.JigsawPoolBuilder
Generates a pool of pieces using the weights established in JigsawPoolBuilder.names and other settings established such as JigsawPoolBuilder.maintainWater(boolean).
build(Map<JigsawPiece, Integer>) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.jigsaw.JigsawPoolBuilder
Creates a simple pool of pieces based on the values input with the default settings.
build(JigsawPiece...) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.jigsaw.JigsawPoolBuilder
Creats a pool of pieces with equal chances with the default settings.
builder() - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.jigsaw.JigsawRegistryHelper
Quick way to get a JigsawPoolBuilder using this registry instance.
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