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PacketHandler - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel.packets
PacketHandler() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.packets.PacketHandler
PAGAMOS - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
parents(ResourceLocation...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeType
Adds the parents to this instance
parents(BiomeType...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeType
Set the parents for this instance.
parents(ResourceLocation...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.ForgeType
parents(BiomeType...) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.ForgeType
parseBiomes(String) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.ConfigTemplates.StructureConfig
Reads the biomes and tags from the config string and assigns them to the biomes list.
parseNoiseSettings(String) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.ConfigTemplates.StructureConfig
Reads the dimension noise settings listed in the string and returns a list containing their registered versions.
parseSpawns(String) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.ConfigTemplates.StructureConfig
Reads the spawns set from the string and puts them into a list.
piglinSafe(boolean) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.DimensionTypeBuilder
When set to false, piglins will zombify in the dimension.
place(TemplateManager, ISeedReader, StructureManager, ChunkGenerator, BlockPos, BlockPos, Rotation, MutableBoundingBox, Random, boolean, AbstractGelStructurePiece) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.jigsaw.GelJigsawPiece
Changes how the place function works to allow for data structure blocks.
placementBehavior(JigsawPattern.PlacementBehaviour) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.jigsaw.JigsawPoolBuilder
Determines placement for the structure.
placePortalBlocks() - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.GelPortalSize
placesOnSurface - Variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.jigsaw.GelJigsawStructure
Determines if your structure should place on the surface or at a specific y value.
PLAINS - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
PolarBear() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.core.mixin.SpawnerFix.PolarBear
POOL_CODEC - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.jigsaw.GelJigsawPiece
portal - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.capability.GelCapability.Storage
portal - Variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.GelPortalSize
portalAudio - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.capability.GelCapability.Storage
portalBlockCount - Variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.GelPortalSize
portalVisual - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.capability.GelCapability.Storage
potentialSpawnsEvent(StructureSpawnListGatherEvent) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.structure.GelStructure
Automatically registered to the event bus.
prefix - Variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.jigsaw.JigsawRegistryHelper
probability(double) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.ConfigTemplates.StructureConfig
Processors() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.StructureGelMod.Processors
processors(StructureProcessorList) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.jigsaw.JigsawPoolBuilder
Structure processors that all pieces in this builder will use.
propagatesSkylightDown(BlockState, IBlockReader, BlockPos) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.StructureGelBlock
PUMPKIN - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
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