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LAKE - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
LAKE_STRUCTURES - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.access_helpers.StructureAccessHelper
A list of structures that lakes are not allowed to generate in.
lakeCheckForStructures(ISeedReader, BlockPos) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.core.asm.StructureGelHooks
Hooks into LakesFeature.generate(ISeedReader,, java.util.Random, BlockPos, to allow for more structures than just villages to prevent lakes from generating.
LakesFeatureMixin - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel.core.mixin
LakesFeatureMixin() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.core.mixin.LakesFeatureMixin
LARGE_SPRUCE_FOREST - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
LARGE_WOODED - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
leftDir - Variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.GelPortalSize
locate(String) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.StructureGelMod
locatePiece(String) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.worldgen.jigsaw.JigsawRegistryHelper
Gets a ResourceLocation for the key input using the modid and prefix as "modid:prefix+key"
LOGGER - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.StructureGelMod
logicalHeight(int) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.DimensionTypeBuilder
The maximum height that various mechanics are allowed to send the player.
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