- OAK_FOREST - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
- OCEAN - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
- of(ResourceLocation, S, IStructurePieceType, Map<String, C>, GenerationStage.Decoration) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.registrars.StructureRegistrar
Handy method so you don't have to type the generic parameters.
- of(ResourceLocation, S, IStructurePieceType, C, GenerationStage.Decoration) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.registrars.StructureRegistrar
Handy method so you don't have to type the generic parameters.
- of() - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.DimensionTypeBuilder
Creates a new instance of the builder.
- offset(int) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.ConfigTemplates.StructureConfig
- onBlockActivated(BlockState, World, BlockPos, PlayerEntity, Hand, BlockRayTraceResult) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.StructureGelBlock
When right clicked with gunpowder, a chain reaction starts destroying all
connected gels.
- onBlockHarvested(World, BlockPos, BlockState, PlayerEntity) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.StructureGelBlock
Triggers a chain break reaction if broken in survival mode in case a survival
player finds it.
- onBlockPlacedBy(World, BlockPos, BlockState, LivingEntity, ItemStack) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.StructureGelBlock
Schedule a block update after this places.
- onEntityCollision(BlockState, World, BlockPos, Entity) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.GelPortalBlock
- onHandPlaceHook(BlockItemUseContext) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.AxisStructureGelBlock
Using the hook to set the axis of this gel based on the look vector of the
player, similar to pistons.
- onHandPlaceHook(BlockItemUseContext) - Method in interface com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.IStructureGel
Called when placed by hand to get what state this should place as.
- onRegistry(RegistryEvent.Register<Block>) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.StructureGelMod.GelBlocks
- onRegistry(RegistryEvent.Register<Item>) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.StructureGelMod.GelItems
- onRegistry(RegistryEvent.Register<Structure<?>>) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.StructureGelMod.StructureRegistry
- ORANGE_GEL - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.StructureGelMod.GelBlocks
- OUTER_END - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
- OUTER_END_ISLAND - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
- OVERGROWN_NETHER - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary
- OVERWORLD - Static variable in class com.legacy.structure_gel.biome_dictionary.BiomeDictionary