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serialize0(DynamicOps<T>) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.structures.jigsaw.GelJigsawPiece
setAir(IWorld, BlockPos) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.structures.GelStructurePiece
world.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), 3)
setDeathLootTable(MobEntity, ResourceLocation) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.access_helpers.EntityAccessHelper
setGel(BlockState, World, BlockPos, int) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.StructureGelBlock
Places structure gel with the proper state and then schedules a block update on it to continue the spread.
setHeight(int, int) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.structures.GelStructureStart
Places the structure at a y value between the two values entered such that the top of it's bounding box is below maxY and the bottom of it's bounding box is above minY.

If minY is bigger than maxY, or vis versa, it automatically corrects it.
setIgnoreEntities(boolean) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.structures.jigsaw.GelJigsawPiece
Prevents entities from generating with the structure.
setLakeProof(boolean) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.structures.GelStructure
Determines if lakes shuold generate inside of this structure or not.
setMaintainWater(boolean) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.structures.GelPlacementSettings
Determines if waterloggable blocks placed in water should waterlog.
setModID(String) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.structures.jigsaw.JigsawRegistryHelper
Creates a new instance of this with the existing prefix and this modid.

Note: Any JigsawPoolBuilders created/cloned from the original instance will still reference the original and use its modid.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.structures.jigsaw.JigsawRegistryHelper
Creates a new instance of this with the existing modid and this prefix.

Note: Any JigsawPoolBuilders created/cloned from the original instance will still reference the original and use its prefix.
setSpawnerSpawns(MobSpawnerTileEntity, WeightedSpawnerEntity...) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.access_helpers.TileEntityAccessHelper
setSpawnerSpawns(MobSpawnerTileEntity, List<WeightedSpawnerEntity>) - Static method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.access_helpers.TileEntityAccessHelper
Takes the input WeightedSpawnerEntity list and puts it into the mob spawner's data.
spreadHookPost(BlockState, World, BlockPos, Random) - Method in interface com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.IStructureGel
Called after the gel finishes spreading to append additional actions
spreadHookPre(BlockState, World, BlockPos, Random) - Method in class com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.AxisStructureGelBlock
Spreads the gel along a flat plane and then cancels the normal spread action in StructureGelBlock.tick(BlockState,, BlockPos, Random).
spreadHookPre(BlockState, World, BlockPos, Random) - Method in interface com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.IStructureGel
Called before the gel spreads.
StructureAccessHelper - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel.access_helpers
StructureAccessHelper() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.access_helpers.StructureAccessHelper
StructureConfig(ForgeConfigSpec.Builder, String, double, int, int) - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.util.ConfigTemplates.StructureConfig
StructureGelBlock - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks
A block that spreads out from where it's placed.
StructureGelBlock(IStructureGel.IBehavior...) - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.blocks.StructureGelBlock
StructureGelConfig - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel
StructureGelConfig() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.StructureGelConfig
StructureGelConfig.Common - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel
StructureGelHooks - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel.asm
StructureGelHooks() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.asm.StructureGelHooks
StructureGelItem - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel.items
The item used by structure gel blocks to display information on how it works.
StructureGelItem(StructureGelBlock) - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.items.StructureGelItem
StructureGelMod - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel
This is an API mod designed with the purpose of simplifying the work required to create generated structures, particularly with jigsaws.
StructureGelMod() - Constructor for class com.legacy.structure_gel.StructureGelMod
StructureGelMod.Blocks - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel
StructureGelMod.Items - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel
StructureGelMod.JigsawDeserializers - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel
StructureGelMod.Processors - Class in com.legacy.structure_gel
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