Scuba Gear
Released: Aug 3rd, 2020
All Rights Reserved with major exceptions
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š¤æ Obtaining
Drowned that spawn within 15 blocks of an ocean ruin have a chance to spawn with the gear, with certain pieces being more rare than others. From most to least common, helmet (50%), boots (40%), leggings (30%), and chestplate (20%). If one does manage to spawn wearing the gear, it will have all of the previous pieces in line. So if a Drowned spawns with scuba leggings, it will be guaranteed to have the boots and helmet as well.
š Abilities and Functionality
Each piece of gear has a different ability. Along with this, when worn outside of water, the wearer gets a slight speed decrease for each piece they wear, with the chestplate, and helmet having the most drastic decrease. When in use, the armor will take damage every 4 seconds, so be sure to watch its durability! (Only applies to the player, and not any other entities that wear it.)
The helmet grants water breathing to anything that wears it.
The chestplate allows the wearer to mine at around normal speed while underwater. While the mining fatigue effect is active, this ability does not take effect.
The leggings allow the wearer to get a slight boost in swim speed. This does not affect walking speed.
The boots allow the wearer to walk quicker while under the water. This does not affect swim speed
Full Set
A small full set bonus the gear provides is fire resistance. However, instead of the wearer taking damage, the armor will. It takes damage about twice a second, so use this very sparingly!
Each piece is identical to iron armor in terms of durability, and protection. So you arenāt sacrificing too much by wearing it. It also has the same enchantability as iron.
When you obtain the armor, it will likely be very damaged. You can fix this by using iron to repair it the traditional way in a crafting table or anvil. The mending enchantment also works, obviously.
Try out Scuba Gearās sister mod, Minerās Helmet!
Do you want to wear a helmet that lights up your path in caves, underwater, the nether, and wherever you go? Try out Scuba Gear's sister mod, Miner's Helmet! Click here to view the project.
š¤· FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use this in my modpack?
Yes, you definitely can. Just make to provide credit to all the authors respectively and link back to the CurseForge page.
Can I redistribute this mod onto other platforms?
Yes, but before doing so make sure that all downloads are directly linked to CurseForge and provide credit to all the authors respectively.